Lesson 731: Floating shelf and seatbelt roll ups
Let's start off with a dynamic flair, walk through a new shape that looks like magic with two exit ideas. Second part will lead you through a catchers/seatbelt roll up tutorial and one of my favorite exits from this roll up that leads you right into a Madame X/Hourglass. We will look at X theory and how to transition from bar on thigh side to bar on chest side, and a bonus cat's cradle shape that is a huge crowd pleaser - yes, you can please a crowd without doing a split!
731: Part 1a: Standing spin to flaring back in.
From a standing spin, I will walk you through how to flare/fan kick back in to sitting on the bar.
731: Part 1b: Walking through the first skill
Here I walk you through this cross-ropes pull over into a single leg shelf /X while posting the bar away. From here I give a simple exit out.
731: Part 1c: Exit 2 from the Single leg X with post.
Step by step walk through this first half and exit option 2.
731: Part 1d: Full First half with exit 2
The full first half of this sequence with exit 2/ reverse knee hook to seatbelt/catchers done a bit faster than the previous video.
731: Part 2: Catchers Seatbelt to Mme X
From catchers/seatbelt, I will talk you through the things you need to know to not crush your thigh flesh, and how to navigate this super fun exit roll into Madame X/ hour-glass.
731: Part 3a: X-it
A little X theory, an alternate way into Madame X/ Hourglass, my most used transition from Madame X into Belly Basket, AND a bonus no hands or feet Cat's cradle pose I love!!!
731: Part 3b: Just some X theory
731: Full Sequence: with exit option 2
I do the full sequence and talk through it for those who don't need a full detailed breakdown.